It’s Poppin! Gourmet Kettle Korn

Assorted SnacksCandyDessertKettle CornPopcorn

At It's Poppin! our specialty flavors are unlike any other flavors and flavor combinations you've been accustomed to. We are a family-owned and operated Kettle Korn Company in Charlotte, North Carolina. My name is Janelle Doyle, a little bit about me: I've worked in the banking industry for many years after graduating from the University of Pittsburgh. I decided to move to Charlotte, NC from Pittsburgh, PA in 2015 to advance my career in banking. However, to become an entrepreneur was my dream so I figured a new city, new life, no better time like the present.

My husband Desmen and I  both had aspirations of starting our own business along with our passions for great food. Our first thought was, “we should start a food truck”. Then one day an article about kettle corn scrolled across my Facebook timeline and it was like a light bulb went off. With popcorn it's a blank slate, you can season popcorn to taste like whatever you want. We knew we could create different flavors that are not your typical popcorn flavors you'll find elsewhere else. We also knew we could truly transform people's thoughts and ideas on what popcorn should be and taste like.

From that moment we changed our focus and in February 2017 It's Poppin! Gourmet Kettle Korn was born. At It's Poppin! Gourmet Kettle Korn we only use the highest quality jumbo corn kernels, only pop in 100% corn oil and use Kosher salt. Our kettle korn is hand popped in small batches to ensure a fresh batch each and every time.

Janelle Doyle

Charlotte, North Carolina