Public Thread


Public Thread launched in 2016 with the dream of building a worker owned company that could make high quality, small-batch products in Michigan. Public Thread has gone far beyond our humble kitchen table beginnings, serving individuals and companies in our state and across the U.S. We have a global reach through our partnerships and a passion to design unique products that serve people, the planet and support living wage jobs.

By using upcycled materials from a wide variety of industries, we have kept over 150,000 pounds of textiles from the landfill. Starting with grain bags from breweries and quickly expanding to a wide array of specialty fabrics, traditional textiles, 3D knit material, leather, and banners, signs, and billboards. Our designers have transformed these rescued materials into a diverse collection of exceptional, expertly crafted products for the mindful consumer.

Janay Brower Twitter Icon LinkedIn Icon

Grand Rapids, Michigan